It still feels like yesterday.
You and me together in a real world in a real relationship.
Now its just a relationship in my own fantasies.
Yeah, it feels like my heart is still holding on to the thoughts. Its still holding onto the feelings. It still wants to believe that you gonna come back. So I think I am still in a relationship with you... in my FANATSIES.
Its heart-wrenching wake up everyday and realise that nothings same anymore. You woke up and then without a blink you just grab your phone, switch on your internet and then try to send a sweet good morning message to your girlfriend and then suddenly you realise that you both are not together anymore.
Every second, the brain and the hearts fights. The brains says to move on, let it go and the heart says to hold onto it, to wait for her. The brains says to stop loving her and the hearts says to stop living if you gonna stop loving.
Heart always wins over the brain and then it leaves me.. thinking about all the moments I lived with her.
Everyday I take a step forward and the very next moment I find myself two steps back.
Its very hard to move on if you had loved that person truly and unconditionally.
Its very hard to move on if you had already imagined growing old together.
Its very hard to move on if you had already lived a perfect life with her in your own your own FANTASIES.
I was never ever supposed to fall this hard for you!!
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