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Sometimes not committing a mistake is also a mistake

Sometimes not committing a mistake is also a mistake.
But we should be aware of the kind of mistake we should commit.
Good mistakes can make your life but Bad mistakes can ruin it.
Sometimes we do things for the betterment of our relationship but it turns out that it was a huge mistake and instead of making it, you end up ruining everything.
But then the question is that did i do anything wrong you know trying to do something for the betterment of our relationship and why do I always end up ruining things even I tried to do something to strengthen it.
Funny thing about mistakes is that these are unpredictable, you cannot just say that the thing you tried was a mistake or not or it will yield something good or bad. It can be a great effort from your side but its not necessary that for the other side its the same too.
Sometimes we know that its a mistake but still we end up commiting it.
We should be very careful about the mistakes we commit. Even a small mistake can ruin everything.


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